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Mineral Water Direct

About Us

In 1991, following the completion of an environmental studies degree. The current owner set up one of the first private government accredited environmental training organisation. Within the first year the company developed Australia’s first nationally accredited course in Bushland Regeneration. The course was adopted by Greening Australia among a number of other intuitions and delivered around Australia. Also running environmental programs our company was directly responsible for many revegetation sites around the greater Brisbane area.

In 1994 a 625 acre (252Ha) wilderness property came up for sale. After some negotiation the business purchased the land for it’s environmental properties. Being over 90% forest and totally surrounded by state forest (now National park) to the top of the surrounding catchment and beyond, and in a valley all on its own made it unlike any other property around.

natural hillside on the Mineral Water Direct property

A slab cottage was built in 1996 using timber off the property, a stand alone solar system was installed and we started living a sustainable lifestyle growing fruit and vegetables and on occasions hunting a young wild bovine for meat. At that time water from the creek was harvested for supply. All was good until the drought that hit Brisbane when the creek didn’t run enough to harvest and the Dams Wivenhoe and Somerset were at historic lows.

Mineral Water Direct homestead amongst nature

Needing water for use we contacted Neville a water driller with 50 yrs of experience and asked his opinion about finding water. While Neville was less than optimistic he was contracted to try. After visually surveying the surrounding topography a spot was selected and drilling commenced. At the end of day one – nothing just a bit of wet rock at 12 meters. The following day Neville hit the aquifer at 22 meters in solid rock. Not a lot he said, only 1200 litres/hr but in his opinion the water was of good quality. We became aware that the council offered full water tests for free as part of their health department services. After a call, an officer from the council visited, sampled the water and sent it off for testing. To our amazement the result came back with the mineral content being easily equal to some of the most well known international waters that are imported.

In 2009 we commenced another Registered Training Organisation “Environment Australia” which then went within a year to commence and have nationally accredited Australia’s first course in Business Sustainability Assessment. Courses were delivered around Australia.

It was in 2010 that it was decided to offer the water to the public as the Government was putting fluoride into drinking water and there had to be a market for natures best. Not wanting to use disposable plastic bottles for ecological reasons it was decided to offer the water direct to consumers utilising 10 litre refillable BPA free containers and in 500 litre tanks installed at customers houses.

Within a few years this different approach was striking a cord with consumers with values similar to that of our own and those that wanted to consume natural water. Beside the qualities of the water the main difference between our water and other waters offered is that of transparency.

Many of our customers have visited on open days or by arrangement to see first hand where their water comes from and enjoy the pristine environment where you can drink the water straight from the creek, a very rare thing in todays world! We still have our first few customers and the list of people sharing in this valuable commodity is slowly growing.

Buy purchasing the water our customers get to enjoy natures very best and contribute to a business based on the best environmental practice and the sustainable future of a significant parcel of environmental land.